Friday 6 September 2013

Astaxanthine, the cure for aches!

I'd never really considered looking for something to help prevent the general aches and pains from training/ exercise, I just get on with it! But whilst in the States my mother in law showed me a supplement called Astaxanthine, which is an epic antioxidant with many health benefits. Needless to say I had never heard of it! 

Because we were due to hike mount Katahdin in a couple of days she suggested we take 2 a day in the days leading up to the hike as apparently the supplement helps prevent aching muscles after strenuous activity. I didn't see any harm in giving it ago although I wasn't too convinced that it would make a difference. 

The hike was a long day, taking 11 and a half hours. We were knackered and sore climbing into the truck to drive back to camp, knowing that in the morning we had to go whitewater rafting! Going to bed that night I was sure that I'd wake up and have to roll out of bad and limp to breakfast. 

But that didn't happen, I woke up and although my muscles were a little tight, I was in no pain at all! I could have gone for a run then and there! Whether this was a coincidence or not I'm pretty convinced that this stuff works and I highly recommend it. Tammy was kind enough to give me the rest to take home and I plan on taking them throughout my training leading up to and during the event. 

I've also started drinking Beet-it's normal juice everyday. This is because of it's general amazing health benefits and I figured it couldn't hurt having a little of that nitrate in my system when not using the concentrated shots. It's great finding these natural supplements that really make a difference to your training and general well being! 

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