Saturday 4 May 2013

Summer/ Sickline training...

Finally winter has given way to some more summery temperature's which makes training much more pleasant! I'm generally very active and like to stay in shape but I'am now starting to step it up a little bit. My job is very physical spending 8 hours on my feet most days. So here is a run down of the training and exercise I shall be doing between now and the Sickline.

Cycling: I always cycle to work when I can, it's a 4 mile cycle each way with a few nice hills thrown in! Obviously this is weather dependant but I generally do this 2-4 times a week.

Running: I've been regularly running for about 3 years now and it helped me lose a lot of weight in Australia. I run about 3-4 times a week, the route I do is only about 2 and a half miles but it goes from river level to around 600 feet. It's a very steep path with steps and doing this none stop definitely gets the heart pumping! It takes me around 25-30 minutes.

Free Weights: I lift weights at home 3-4 days a week using bench press, dumbbells etc. I try to mix up my routine as much as possible so my muscles don't get comfy! I do a mixture of bench press, flys, curls, shoulder press, sumo lifts and many others.

Kayak sprint: Living opposite the river is coming in real handy as I'am now heading down there 2-3 times a week and practising sprints on the flat water. The fastest people generally finish the Sickline course in around 58 seconds so I have been doing 6-8 flat out sprints for 60 seconds at a time. This doesn't sound like much but it hurt a lot! I will slowly increase the time/ number of sprints over time.

Kayaking: Obviously I'm going to be trying to paddle white water as much as I can and hopefully some gnarly stuff will start flowing in Wales, fingers crossed. But in the mean time while it's dry I will be using the Tryweryn course as practise for sprinting on white water. Although it's an easy grade it's all good practise on choosing fast lines and keeping your line whilst being knackered!

As for my eating, I'm only human and I'm not a health nut but I do like to eat well and avoid artificial foods. I tend to eat high protein foods and when I can organic foods. Lots of fruit, veg and lots of meat! I always avoid ready meals and generally all my meals are made at home (packed lunches for work etc). I'll be drinking my Beet-it juice to aid my training. I plan on drinking the Beet-it juice for 2 weeks leading up to the Sickline as this is the recommended dosage for a race.

So basically that is my plan for the Sickline and the Summer! Hopefully it's enough :) Only time will tell!

See you on the water!

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