Monday 29 July 2013

Training weekend at Tryweryn

By some miracle everyone ended up with the weekend off so we headed to the mighty Tryweryn for a spot of paddling and for me to paddle till my arms drop off! We met up with Rob and Andy and made the long drive up to Bala. The weather was meant to be terrible but other than Saturday night we actually got a lot of sun, glorious!

For the first run I spent some time with my better half who is just coming to grips with the grade 3 I keep leading her down. She managed to nail the upper graveyard, ski jump and chapel falls with no problems, super proud! I soon realized with rafts and the volume of other boaters that charging down rapids cleanly was going to be quite challenging. None the less I focused on nailing fast lines through Miss Davies and Fingers.

For training I think the weekend was great. I felt pretty good and fast but I know I need to focus on being able to make these difficult moves when I'm exhausted. I think if I can get an intense day on whitewater at least once a week up to the event I'll be on the right track.

My dad lowered the bar and took a swim on upper graveyard, he was tired.... but nonetheless entertaining! Andy apparently swam at ski jump and Simon took a swim on lower graveyard and lost his blades for most the day, glad you found them mate!

Physically I feel great, feeling strong and fit. My old shoulder injury tweaked occasionally during the weekend but it doesn't seem to be effecting my paddling so that is promising. Heading to the states in three weeks, so I'll be trying not to eat too many burgers and hitting the gym! Overall a great weekend with family and friends!

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